Friday, July 19, 2013

Honing your Hustle

     Before I get started let me make a small announcement.  My readership is picking up a little which is great!  I wanted to thank everyone who is following me on twitter (@commoncentsnn) and facebook (  Share my blog with your friends and let me know about it to be entered to win a free copy of Jon Acuff's book Quitter.  The drawing will be on August 1st.

Back to blogging!

Honing your Hustle

     Recently I finished a fantastic book, Quitter by Jon Acuff.  It is a great book that gives some insight into how to get to your dream job.  Through the book, Jon teaches that there is really only one way to move from your day job to your dream job:  Hustle.
     It’s a strange word, hustle.  It is defined as “rapid or energetic work” and “to be aggressive.”  Used negatively, though, it has a completely different meaning, usually conning people out of money and even related to being a “professional.”  I’ll leave that one alone.
     But Jon’s right.  The only way to get from your day job that you may or may not love to the job that you know you will love is to hustle.  It’s to really get down to it and work it out.  It’s honestly the same for any goal.  Goals don’t reach themselves, and a goal you can reach by being lazy is a pretty crappy goal.  Zig Ziglar says if you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time.
     Dream jobs are nice, but not everyone has one.  I’m working on mine right now (in fact if you’re reading this you’re supporting my dream, so thanks! Tell your friends!).  But I’m also learning to hustle on it.  In fact, as I’m writing this it is before 6 AM.  That’s when I write.  That’s why you probably see my posts first go up in the early morning and then again in the evenings.  I write in the mornings.  I also run in the mornings.  I’m talking early, like between 4 and 5 AM.
     Let me make something perfectly clear, I am NOT a morning person, and never have been.  I’m actually quite the night owl once you get to know me.  But waking up early has its benefits.  Like Jon Acuff says in his book, when you wake up early you get up before your excuses do.  Steven Covey, the author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, says that the number one quality of effective people is that they are proactive.  They happen to life, not the other way around.
     Every area of your life is the same.  If you make a goal and really hustle on it, you’ll catch your goal by surprise and Mr. Excuse won’t have time to react.  It’s easy to come up with a million excuses as to why you can’t lose weight, why you can't get on a budget, why you can’t write that book, why you can’t get that job, why you can’t save money, why you can’t be successful.  Because it’s so easy, everyone does it.  I constantly hear people making excuses for their lives, but rarely do I see a person making an effort to move forward and really hustle.  That’s hard and takes some real discipline.
     So if you want to accomplish your goals, which hopefully everyone does, here’s what you need to do:  DO IT.  Work on it.  Work harder than the next guy on your goals and you’ll reach them while he sits back and fails.  Really put some hustle behind your work and you’ll start seeing a real difference.  Proverbs 10:4 says that the slack hand makes one poor but the hand of the diligent makes one rich.  While not fully biblical, the phrase “God helps those who help themselves” isn’t entirely untrue.  He gives us the ability to move forward, we have to choose to move in His guidance.  And that normally takes a little hustle to get where you need to be.
     No one accidentally becomes successful.  It takes work and effort.  But man, reaching your goals is one of the best feelings you’ll ever have, I guarantee it.  It’s just Common Cents, after all.


PS:  For my Hampton Roads readers, my next classes are scheduled!  They will be in October and January.  If you like what you’re reading stay tuned for more info on my classes and how you can learn some Common Cents the easier way from someone who had to learn a lot of it the hard way.

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